Thursday, November 13, 2008

Habitat for Humanity

Debbie and I spent the month of October in the Carolinas. We stopped first at Tom Johnson's RV in Marion NC for replacement of one of the A/C units on our motor home as well as some other maintenance items. We then went to Woodruff SC to help my brother Floyd with some renovations to his rental house there. We finally got
to Rock Hill, SC to see our kids. We had a good three weeks staying at Ebenezer state park and visiting with Mark & Amber and Mitch & Kim. We especially enjoyed being able to keep our G'daughter Jordan. Debbie had some back problems so we were unable to keep her as much as we wanted.
At the end of October Al & Anitarae Robinson, Sower friends, joined us in Rock Hill. We visited the Billy Graham library and saw a show at the Christian dinner theater Narroway in Fort Mill, SC. We then headed out
together to work at a Habitat project near Charleston, SC. This is the first Habitat project we have worked although the Robinsons have worked one before.

We arrived on a Sunday afternoon at the construction site where four new homes are being built. After considerable efforts we finally got our rigs into the side yard of one of the new houses and were able to
connect to limited electrical power and strong sulfur water (yuk). We are about 20 miles from Charleston on Johns Island so we don't run to the store every day.
Al & I have really enjoyed the work. We have done framing prebuilds, onsite framing work, siding and soffit installation. Debbie and Anitarae haven't had to work which hasn't seemed to bother them too much. Debbie
did come out one day to help with siding work but decided she was more hindrance than help! There may be painting to be done soon which they may enjoy doing.
Each day is different. Aside from the 8 or so paid Habitat staff who are here most every day volunteers show up in random numbers. There have been about a dozen local folks who come out to help for one day a week or whenever they can. We've also had 20 or so Air Force folks from Charleston who were helping for a couple of days. We've gotten to meet most of the people who are going to buy the houses we are working on. They must invest 500 hours of "sweat" equity in construction of a Habitat home. This is a great cause with very visable benefits. We look forward to doing another Habitat project but perhaps when other "Carvanners" are scheduled.

Sometime around the 24th of November we will be heading for Hawthorne, Fl to work on a Sower project, Child Evangelism Fellowship. We are looking forward to be at and learning of that ministry which we haven't worked before. Nothing scheduled for January yet. We are waiting to see if Floyd needs help to install a new roof on his Cocoa, Fl house.
We hope and pray that your life is as healthy and happy as ours is.